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Setting up Single Sign-On on the API Console
Updated over a month ago

Domain Capture, Single Sign-On (SSO), and Just-in-Time Provisioning (JIT) enables API Console organizations to enhance authentication security and streamline user access to This guide assumes that:

  1. You are an Admin on your Console account

  2. You control the DNS settings for your company’s email address domain

  3. You control the SSO Identity Provider your company uses to log in to third-party applications (e.g. Okta, Google Workspace, etc.)

If #2 and #3 are not true, please contact your organization’s IT Administrator to continue.

Please note: WorkOS is Anthropic’s provider for domain verification and SSO set up. More details can be found in Anthropic’s Subprocessor List at

Capturing your Domain

“Domain Capture” proves that you own your company’s domain. Once you have confirmed that you own your domain, Anthropic can intercept login attempts for emails on your domain and require your employees to sign in via SSO.

  1. Click “Add Domain”

  2. Follow the instructions to add your TXT record

    • Note: if you’re using a subdomain (e.g., you should set your new TXT record on that subdomain (e.g.

  3. Wait up to 10 minutes for your DNS change to propagate. When you see the green “Verified” badge, you can close the instructions page

  4. Back on, you should see your domain added to the page. If you do not see it, try refreshing your page

  5. If your domain is listed as “Pending”, click the button next to the word “Pending” to refresh your domain status

  6. Your domain should now be listed as “Verified”

Domain Memberships

To view or download information about your verified domains and their usage across Anthropic organizations:

  1. Click "View Domain Memberships" in the "Domain management" section

  2. Review the information or download your domain membership details in CSV or JSON format

Adding SSO

Once you connect your SSO provider to your Console organization, users will be able to log in securely with your SSO provider.

Identity Provider-Initiated Login: While many applications support launching directly from your identity provider (e.g., clicking an app tile in Okta), Claude does not enable this flow due to security considerations. However, to provide a smoother experience for employees who are accustomed to launching apps from their identity provider:

  1. When configuring the SSO application in your identity provider, set the login URL to instead of

  2. When employees click the Claude tile in your identity provider, they will be directed to a clear login page that guides them to authenticate via SSO

Testing SSO log-in

Before inviting your teammates, verify that everything works correctly.

  1. Log out of your account by navigating to

  2. Try logging in again with your email address. You should be directed to your SSO provider. If you’re already logged in via your SSO provider, you may be immediately redirected and logged in to .

  3. If you use Google Workspace on your domain, try logging in with Google. This should fail and users should be required to log in via SSO.

Adding & Removing Users

Managing team members in your organization depends on whether you're using Single Sign-On (SSO) or not. Once SSO is enabled, your Identity Provider (IdP) becomes the primary controller for adding members, while removal involves steps in both your IdP and Console.

Before SSO is Enabled

Adding members

  1. Click the “Invite” button to add new team members

Removing members

  1. Find the user you want to remove

  2. Click the trash icon on the row with their name

  3. Select "Remove"

After SSO is Enabled

Adding members

  1. Ensure that the member is part of your SSO organization and has access to the Console application.

  2. When the user logs in for the first time, an account will be created for them (JIT provisioning) and that account will be a member of your organization.

Removing members

  1. First, revoke the user's access to Console in your SSO provider

  2. Find the user you want to remove

  3. Click the trash icon next to their name

  4. Select "Remove"

Important note: The user will remain logged into until you complete step 5 ("Remove" on Console).


Using SCIM, you can have group members added or deleted based on automatic updates from your IdP. This is the ideal setup for full control of group memberships.

Adding Members

  1. Add users to the SSO application in your IdP

Removing Members

  1. Remove users from the SSO application in your IdP

If you have multiple organizations under a single Parent Organization, then it’s strongly advised that you enable Advanced Group Mappings for each organization. This will allow you to use IdP groups to control exactly which organizations accounts are given access to.

When “Advance Group Mappings” is toggled within an organization’s settings page, we’ll show special “anthropic-” prefixed group names that can be added in your IdP. When members are added to these groups, they will then automatically be provisioned for access.

Manually Syncing Your Directory

SCIM directory syncing happens automatically, but you can prompt a manual sync if needed:

  1. From your Identity and Access Settings, click "Sync Now" under the "Directory sync (SCIM)" section.

Advanced Group Mappings

As mentioned above, “Advance Group Mappings” can be used to provide not just access but also role assignment. These groups will be sent to Anthropic from your identity provider, and some of the configuration options are IdP specific. As an example, we’ll outline how to set this up in Okta.


For JIT based provisioning, Advanced Group Mappings will be shared at login time via your IdP’s SAML response. To have Okta share groups on login, you will need to edit the SAML section of your SSO Application.

  1. Under “Applications” select the SSO Application you configured for Anthropic

  2. Select “Edit” on your SAML settings

  3. Create a “Group Attribute Statement” to share all groups prefixed with “anthropic-” to Anthropic on login.

  4. Hereafter, all members of group names that start with “anthropic-” will be shared with Anthropic at login time.

  5. Assign members to relevant groups in Okta before turning on Advanced Group Mapping in order to prevent lockout.

Where to edit SAML Settings

On the second page of the SAML integration page

Sharing groups by prefix


Sharing groups via SCIM is through a different mechanism. In Okta, these are referred to as Push Groups

  1. Visit the Push Groups page for the SSO Application

  2. Click the “+ Push Groups” button

  3. Create a rule to push all groups starting with the “anthropic-” prefix

Creating a rule based push group

Parent Organizations

SSO Settings are stored at a “Parent Organization” level. This is an entity that can tie together multiple individual organizations to give shared SSO settings. Domain verification for example is something stored at the “Parent Organization” level: once one Parent Organization verifies a domain, no other organization may also join the domain.

To have other organizations join this Parent Organization, you can reach out to your Account Manager or contact Sales to help create a merge proposal. This proposal is emailed to administrators for the existing parent organization, as well as the incoming organization. When approved by an administrator on both sides, the merge will complete, and the incoming organization will now also exist under the same parent organization. At this point, the incoming organization can also configure SSO login options within its settings page, and can have features like “Advanced Group Mappings”.

In particular, note that you can add all of your API ( organizations to the same Parent Organization.

To better understand all organizations under your domains, open the “View Domain Memberships” panel under after you have completed domain verification. This will show detailed information for all accounts and organizations under your verified domains.

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