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I subscribe to Claude Pro. Why do I have to pay separately for API usage on Console?
I subscribe to Claude Pro. Why do I have to pay separately for API usage on Console?
Updated this week

Claude Pro and the Anthropic API Console are separate products designed for different purposes:

  • Claude Pro is our paid plan for individuals on, offering enhanced features like 5x more usage and priority access during high-traffic periods.

  • The Anthropic API Console is our developer platform providing API access to Claude models for building applications and integrations.

Your Claude Pro subscription enhances your chat experience but doesn't include API usage through the Console.

If you're interested in both enhanced chat features on and API access, you'll need to subscribe to Claude Pro on and separately set up Console access for API usage. This allows you to benefit from both offerings based on your specific needs.

You can learn more on API Console billing here. To learn more about Claude Pro features, see our article What is Claude Pro?.

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