The API Console uses a role-based access system with four distinct roles: User, Developer, Billing, and Admin. Each role has specific permissions and capabilities designed to help teams manage their API access securely.
Role Types and Permissions
Can only use Workbench
Cannot view API keys, usage logs, or billing details.
Can use Workbench
Can manage API keys
Can use Workbench
Can manage billing details
Can view usage and cost data
Can perform all actions available to User, Developer, and Billing roles
Can manage users and their role assignments
Workspace-Level Permissions
Organization Admins automatically receive Workspace Admin permissions in all Workspaces
Organization Billing role holders can view cost, usage, and limit values across all Workspaces
Organization-level roles serve as a baseline, while Workspace roles can grant additional permissions.
For example, a User at the organization level can be granted Admin permissions within specific Workspaces
Important Notes
Removing an admin or billing admin role does not automatically update the billing email in our payment processor
To modify the primary billing email address or add additional billing contact emails, please contact our Support Team