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34 articles
How do I talk to Claude?
What version of Claude am I talking to?
Can I use Claude in different languages?
Does have any message limits?
How do I increase my usage limits?
How large is Claude’s Context Window?
How can I delete or rename a conversation?
Can I upload documents to Claude?
What kinds of documents can I upload to
Can I upload images to
What kinds of images can I upload to
Can Claude produce images?
Does Claude have access to the internet?
How can I switch to Dark mode?
How can I switch the font on
What are Projects?
How can I create and manage Projects?
Examples of Projects you can create
What are Artifacts and how do I use them?
How do I enable or disable the Artifacts feature?
Publishing and Remixing Artifacts
Usage Limit Best Practices
I entered my email address but I haven’t received my verification email.
I have received a verification email but I am still having trouble logging in.
Claude is providing incorrect or misleading responses. What’s going on?
Claude is producing links that don’t work and falsely claiming that it has sent emails or produced external documents. What’s going on?
How can I contact Support?